[UPDATE]: We’ve launched the official page, with a sample video. See it @ /archive01/userprofiles
With the constant growth of tablet usage, especially that of the iPad, there has been one large gap between picking up the laptop and picking up the iPad: User Profiles.
A tablet is not a phone, nor is it used like one. A phone stays in your pocket, and usually you are the only one who accesses it. On the other hand, most tablets make their way to the coffee table, for any member of the household to grab.
The problem here is personal space. We don’t want to have to log our significant others out of Facebook account every time we use the tablet, or have to use web-mail because someone else’s accounts are signed in to the mail client. That ruins the convenience of having a quickly accessible tablet.
Thus, we have created User Profiles, a new application for jailbroken iPads that will solve this dilemma.
Features include:
- Fast user switching on re-spring (Approx 5 seconds)
- Independent wallpapers and other settings like brightness
- Seperate settings for iTunes applications (Facebook, Twitter, etc)
- Unique icon arrangements per user
- Support for independent Email/Contacts/Calendar accounts
- Different bookmarks, history, and site logins for Safari
- Shared applications: Install an App on one user, it auto-installs for the other
- Complete iTunes compatibility
- Shared Cydia settings support
- Optional password security for accounts
- Clone existing user to new user
The User Profiles backend has been fully developed, and we are finishing up the UI. It will be released in BETA for testers soon, and following that into Cydia. Keep watch on our RSS Feed, Twitter, or Facebook for a video of User Profiles in action.
32 Responses to “User Profiles for iPad: User Switching and Account Support for iOS”
If you would like to be a BETA tester, please comment on this page with:
Your device (iPad/iPad 2)
iOS Version
Method you used to Jailbreak
Contact method (Follow on Twitter, FB, XDA, etc)
hi I am interested in beta testing this.
I have an ipad
ios 4.2.1.
jailbroken using greenp0ison
I am a member on xda under username miz
I am interested.
iPad on 4.2.1
Jail broken w/ greenp0ison
[email removed]
OK, I’ll add you two to the list. Are either of you planning to update to 4.3 beta or full once it releases?
Joe, I removed your email from the comment so you wouldn’t get spam from web-scanners. I do have it in my records, though. Thanks.
Count me in
iPad on 4.2.1
Greenpois0n jail broken
Yes, please.
iPad 4.2.1 jailbroken with Greenpois0n.
I would love to test this for you. I have an iPad iOS 4.2.1 jailbroken via greenpois0n and I have an iPhone 4. Not sure if that matters.
I am planning on getting the iPad 2 as well. Let me know, Benjamin. Thanks! Twitter: @dodgebert email is [removed], I can also use 4.3 beta or final. I am on a dev account.
I am very interested.
iPad 4.2.1 greenp0isoned
twitter: @dBuxo
email: david -#- buxo.org (-#- -> @)
Definitely in.
Got 2 iPad’s for testing purposes. Working in an International School, planned to buy around 20 iPads v2.
iOS 4.2.1.
jailbroken using Greenp0ison
facebook : richard-mayhem allaman
ipad 4.2.1 greenp0isoned
[email removed]
We’ve launched the official page, with a sample video. See it @ /archive01/userprofiles
Would be very interested in beta testing this new feature.. Had 1st gen ipad but amd switching to the 2nd gen this weekend.
Sorry, forgot requested info.
iPad 2, greenp0ison, [removed]
iPad 2
Not yet jail broken but will if selected
Follow at twitter.com/reggieburnett
I have an ipad
ios 4.2.1.
jailbroken using greenp0ison
please count me in
I have an iPad 2
will JB asap.
[email removed]
I’d like to join the beta
iPad 1 3G 16 gb
iOS 4.2.1 green poisoned
hi i was not sure if you had started the beta tetsing as I did not recieve anhy info and then realized I had not left an email. my email is [email removed]
I’d love to beta test:
iPad 1 16GB 3G
iOS 4.2.1 greenpois0n
Sounds like something I want.
iPad 2
JB with whatever becomes available
Also willing to test on the smaller iDevices if you’re considering supporting them (please)
iPhone 4
sn0wbreeze 2.3b2
I’d love to test this
iPad 1
[email removed]
hi I am interested in beta testing this on my “family pad”
I have an ipad
ios 4.2.1.
jailbroken using greenp0ison
e-mail: [removed]
Would love to be a beta tester!
[email removed]
I’d test this
iPad 2
iOS 4.3
Will jailbreak when it becomes possible
I have a new iPad 2 16GB Wi-Fi
iOS Version: 4.3
Jailbreak Method: Whatever becomes available for the iPad 2.
Contact method: E-mail me at [removed]
If spots open up, I’d love to help out.
Ipad (Original)
iOS 4.3.1
Jailbreak method: Snowbreeze
Contact method: _RT_ @ XDA
Device iPad 2
iOS Versio: 4.3
Jailbreak by: greenp0ison
Contact: twitter.com/agouza
Ipad(orig) wifi 32GB
IOS 4.3.3
Jailbreak: Redsn0w
Contact: facebook.com/eslayton01
I’d kill to test this.
Ipad (orig) wifi/3g 16GB
IOS 4.3.3
Jailbreak: Redsn0w
iPad iOS 4.2.1
I am a UX designer with a focus on tablets and mobile. I would love a chance to beta test your product and promote it across the social networks.
iOS 4.3.3
Will Jailbreak using Redsn0w or other as requested.
Thanks for the opportunity!