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By: Benjamin Curtis February 10, 2010 No Comments

E3, otherwise known as the Electronic Entertainment Expo, opened their doors to attendee and media registration yesterday. This year’s expo will be held at the Los Angeles Convention center on June 15-17.

By: Benjamin Curtis February 5, 2010 No Comments

Recently, the FBI has been pushing ISPs to keep track of the 432 million web hits a day for up to two years. This includes your IP address, which defines your computer when it is connected to the internet, and the destination URL, or web page, that you visit.

By: Benjamin Curtis February 5, 2010 No Comments

The Man from Earth, a low budget sci-fi drama recently released on BluRay that won awards for Best Feature and Best Screenplay in the Rhode Island International Film Festival have been involved in an interesting and accidental promotional strategy: Piracy.

By: Benjamin Curtis February 4, 2010 No Comments

With the 400 billion monthly hits Facebook receives, PHP just wasn’t cutting it. HipHop is Facebook’s open source solution to high traffic bottlenecks.

By: Benjamin Curtis February 3, 2010 No Comments

We’ve seen a lot of gadgets do some incredibly meaningful, and meaningless tasks. We’ve also seen people create some amazing software with everyday cellphones. But we had never seen anything quite like this.


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