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Guitar Hero, meet football from Random Bits
By: Benjamin Curtis October 30, 2009 No Comments

What happens when you cross Guitar Hero, freestyle soccer players, and the song Underdog by Kasabian? This.

By: Benjamin Curtis October 28, 2009 No Comments

For those of you that don’t know, while I spend my nights as a superhero, I spend my days working as a Business Strategist for a marketing agency. I spend much of my time working in the Pharmaceutical arena, and have recently published an article for Pharma Exec on Google’s Sidewiki and how it may affect that industry.

Techno monument from Random Bits
By: Benjamin Curtis October 18, 2009 No Comments

A large monument, called “The Girl with Sambuca” by locals in the Ukraine, had it’s eternal flamed snuffed out when resources were put on hold during the fall of the Soviet Union. After years of remaining unlit, the original flame has been replaced by an LED driven cell flame with a cell phone transmitter inside. Now, rather than consuming gas, it takes no more then 400w to operate.

Virtual reality for mice from Random Bits
By: Benjamin Curtis October 15, 2009 No Comments

Now, I’m not sure if there’s any marketing potential for our friends over at Microsoft Game Studios, but let’s face it, this is cool. While studying the brains of mice, scientists have created this floating trackball system for a mouse to run on.

A talking piano? from Random Bits
By: Benjamin Curtis October 5, 2009 No Comments

Debuted at the World Venice Forum in 2009, this Piano was programmed to play back notes recorded from a child’s voice. Now, it’s nowhere near a realistic sounding representation, but it’s still amazing to see in action.


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