Recent Broadcasts

By: Benjamin Curtis March 31, 2009 No Comments

While advances are going on in the micro-scale by individuals trying to push for better methodologies for cloud computing, recent backlash has occurred in the corporate world. IBM, Sun, and Cisco are all pushing a standardization of open cloud computing, but Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and the Cloud Computing Interoperability Forum (CCIF) have declined to support it.

Wearable tech from Techviews
By: Benjamin Curtis March 26, 2009 No Comments

At TED this year, Pattie Maes presented work primarily resulting from her students on a wearable tech they call the sixth sense. This technology enables the user to do tasks such as receiving product information based on a wearable necklass containing a webcam and a projector.

By: Benjamin Curtis March 12, 2009 No Comments

Samsung recently released an online viral marketing campaign for their Solid State Hard Drives. Knowing the audience that would be looking to buy these drives independent from a laptop is a small techie nich, the campaign focuses on an IT guy who builds a super machine that can read data from the 24 drive RAID array at more than 2GB a second.


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