Charge your devices without the clutter from Random Bits

Like many of you, there are too many mobile devices in our family.  Phones, iPods, PSPs, the list goes on and on.  To solve this issue there are plenty of cable management systems you could trade your hard earned money in for, but they all leave the devices in plain site.

Hacked Gadgets found Michael Pap’s simple but eloquent tutorial on, which shows us how you don’t need a technological solution for technology problems. You just need a pot.  Michael has converted an everyday object, in this case a fake potted plant, into a way to hide both devices and wires.  Now if only I had a pot large enough for my universal remote, or our cat..

Full write up: How to transform an IKEA vase into a Charging Station for your gadgets

Via: Hidden Flower Pot Gadget Charging System

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