Miscellaneous |
1 [edit] HKLM \ audio \ softwaremixer\buffers = 8 |
Adjust Screen Sensitivity HKLM \ Drivers \ TouchPanel\PressureThreshold = 200 |
Autolock Phone If Supported HKCU \ ControlPanel \ BackLight\AutoDeviceLockEnable = 1 |
Brisbane DST Time [edit] HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Timezones \ 260\Brisbaneupdate = a8,fd,ff,ff,00,00,00,00,c4,ff,ff,ff,00,00,00,00,00 ,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,0 0,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00 |
CallerIDMatch [edit] HKCU \ ControlPanel \ Phone\CallIDMatch = 8 |
Change MMS Receive Limit to 1000KB [edit] HKLM \ Software \ Arcsoft \ Arcsoft MMS UA \ ConfigMM1MMSCSetting \ SampleMMSC\WAP1RecvDefault = 1024000 |
Change MMS Receive Limit to 300KB [edit] HKLM \ Software \ Arcsoft \ Arcsoft MMS UA \ ConfigMM1MMSCSetting \ SampleMMSC\WAP2RecvDefault = 1024000 |
Change MMS Send Limit to 300KB [edit] HKLM \ Software \ Arcsoft \ Arcsoft MMS UA \ ConfigMM1MMSCSetting \ SampleMMSC\Wap1SendDefault = 99999999 |
Change MMS Send Limit to 300KB [edit] HKLM \ \ Software \ \ Arcsoft \ \ Arcsoft MMS UA \ \ ConfigMM1MMSCSetting \ \ SampleMMSC\WAP2Senddefault = 99999999 |
Change System And Context Menu Font Size HKLM \ System \ GWE \ Menu \ PopFnt\Ht = 1000 |
Delay Device Autolock HKCU \ ControlPanel \ BackLight\AutoDeviceLockTimeout = 10 |
Delete regkey [edit] HKCU \ Comm \ Security \ SystemCertificates \ Root \ Certificates \ 3F0EDB1A8C71877A1FF44C23E5094013B8F39358\Blob = 0 |
Disable Asus Today Plugin [edit] HKLM \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Today \ Items \ Asus Today\Enabled = 0 |
Disable SMS Conversation [edit] HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Inbox \ Settings \ OEM\SMSInboxThreadingDisabled = 1 |
Disable SMS Sent Notification  HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Inbox \ Settings\SMSNoSentMsg = 1 |
Disable Startup Gif [edit] HKLM \ Software \ HTC \ StartupAnimation\Enabled = 0 |
Disable UMAClient [edit] HKLM \ init\Launch117 = 0 |
disable xt9 1 [edit] HKLM \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Layouts \ e0010409\Ime File = \windows\compime.dll |
disable xt9 2 [edit] HKLM \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Layouts \ e0010409\Layout Text = COMP IME |
Disables cannot connect bubble problem. [edit] HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Shell \ Rai\:MSREMNET = 0 |
Enable ABC as default input [edit] HKLM \ SOFTWARE \ Tegic \ eT9 \ IME\CarrierDefaultTextMode = 0 |
Enable Album [edit] HKLM \ Software \ HTC \ HTCAlbum\enableupload = 00000002 |
Enable ExtRom HTC Apache - Part I [edit] HKLM \ System \ StorageManager \ AutoLoad \ TRUEFFS_DOC1\Bootphase = 2 |
Enable ExtRom HTC Apache - Part II [edit] HKLM \ System \ StorageManager \ Profiles \ TRUEFFS_DOC1\MountHidden = 0 |
Enable large start menu in landscape  HKLM \ Software \ HTC \ EnlargeMenu\DisableLandscape = 0 |
enable mms notification [edit] HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ inbox \ settings\mmsavailable = 0 |
enable sms notifications [edit] HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ inbox \ settings\smsavailable = 0 |
Enable Tilt2 Autocorrect 1 [edit] HKLM \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Layouts \ e0010409\Ime File = \windows\compime.dll |
Enable UMAClient [edit] HKLM \ init\Launch117 = UMAClient.exe |
enable xt9 2 [edit] HKLM \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Layouts \ e0010409\Layout Text = eT9 IME |
ENGLISH MUI Available [edit] HKLM \ MUI \ Available\1033 = ENGLISH |
Fix SMS Timestamps [edit] HKLM \ Software \ OEM \ SMS\RecvTimeStamp = 1 |
Fuze 4 Columns in Programs 1 No V Bar  HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Shell \ IconConfig\HorizontalIconSpacing = 120 |
Fuze 4 columns in Programs 2  HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Shell \ IconConfig\IconTitleFontSize = 7 |
Fuze 4 columns in programs1 with vertical bar  HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Shell \ IconConfig\HorizontalIconSpacing = 110 |
Green TapNHold Dots [edit] HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Color\40 = hex:\ 00,CD,00,00 |
Increase MaxConnectionsPerServer [edit] HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Current Version \ Internet Settings\MaxConnectionsPerServer = 32 |
Internet Tweak [edit] HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Internet Settings\MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server = 32 |
manila [edit] HKCU \ Software \ HTC \ TaskManager \ ExclusiveList \ System\manila2.exe = 0 |
Manila HomeLSK arg [edit] HKLM \ Software \ HTC \ Manila\HomeSKLArguments = \programmabestanden\powertap\powertap.exe |
Manila HomeLSK path [edit] HKLM \ Software \ HTC \ Manila\HomeLSKPath = \Windows\tasks.exe |
Manila HomeRSK path [edit] HKLM \ Software \ HTC \ Manila\HomeRSKPath = \Windows\Start Menu\TurboApps.lnk |
Manila HomeRSK text [edit] HKLM \ Software \ HTC \ Manila\HomeRSKText = TurboApps |
Manila2 [edit] HKCU \ Software \ HTC \ Manila\AutoLaunchToday = 1 |
No headset prompt [edit] HKLM \ System \ State \ Hardware\Headset = 1 |
No Keyboard Auto PopUp [edit] HKCU \ ControlPanel \ SIP\TurnOffAutoDeploy = 1 |
On T9 dictionary [edit] HKLM \ Software \ Tegic \ eT9 \ IME\CarrierDefaultTextMode = 1 |
Opera Splash [edit] HKCU \ Software \ Opera \ Calendar \ Info\SplashscreenPortrait = \Windows\SplashscreenPortrait.png |
Pop Menu Font Size [edit] HKLM \ System \ GWE \ Menu \ BarFnt\Ht = 800 |
PopFnt [edit] HKLM \ System \ GWE \ Menu \ PopFnt\Ht = 1000 |
Revert Menu Enhancements to Original [edit] HKLM \ System \ GWE \ Menu\CUIHandler = 0 |
RTSP Fix [edit] HKCR \ rtsp \ Shell \ Open \ Command\Default = "\Windows\StreamingPlayer.exe" %1 |
Set MEdia Net as Internet Sharing Provider for ATT on an HTC Fuze [edit] HKLM \ Comm \ InternetSharing \ Settings\ForceCellConnection = MEdia Net |
Set wallpaper cache [edit] HKCU \ Software \ HTC \ Manila\CachedBackgroundPath = \\Storage Card\\My Documents\\My Pictures\\wallpaper.jpg |
Show calendar event text in month view [edit] HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Calendar\ShowTextInMonthView = 1 |
Show Title Bar Battery Instead of Clock HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Shell\ShowTitleBarClock = 0 |
Start Menu in Alphabetical Order [edit] HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Shell \ StartMenu\order = 0 |